January 08

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Many Opportunities…

Serving with a ministry as large as Campus Crusade for Christ has its perks. One that comes to mind for me (Jayson) is the wealth of encouragement and wisdom that comes in the form of the leaders God has placed above us. Not far behind is having access to lots of different roles and responsibilities to explore our best fit in ministry. This year, the former has strongly encouraged us to take advantage of the latter, and the past month has given me a chance to do that.

Between Christmas and New Years day, we worked the annual Christmas Conference (called Radiate) where I had the role of visual and video for the conference: producing and running the PowerPoint and organizing the videos. I really enjoy the behind the scenes technical work (last year, I ran the lights) and was assigned to recording and uploading the audio to RADIATE07.com and constructing the RADIATE08.com site for next year. This past weekend, I was even able to serve at the Impact Regional Conference (a largely African American ministry associated with Cru) in a similar role; It was a blast!

As Carrie and I have sought God’s direction for our next year of ministry, we’ve sensed a leading to stay in DC for a second year, and while there are still specifics to flesh out, I’ve also begun to pursue ways to use my technical skills to give lift to our Mid-Atlantic Region. Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we hammer out all the details!

Many Students…

Between the two conferences, we had over 1,000 students in the DC area not only hearing more about how God is continuing to change their lives by the power of the Gospel, but also taking that message to people around the city – on campuses, on the National Mall and around the Metro (subway).

In one rainy morning, we took over 800 students from RADIATE to the Washington Monument to pray for our nation and city. I had the privilege of leading about 50 students from Radford University in intercession for American University. Many of these students will be returning to DC for their spring break to minister (along with students from the University of Georgia), gain a vision for the city and consider giving a year of their life to serving God here.

Many Laborers…

Of all the conference happenings, the highlight for me was the night of December 30th, with something called the “Ambassador’s Pledge” when students are challenged to put legs to their faith in the form of a personal commitment. It’s easy enough to praise God when the music is loud and the lights are flashing, and even to serve the city for an afternoon. But to a commit one full year to full-time Christian service after graduation? Suddenly the room’s posture changes, and the designs on the hotel carpet possess a new intrigue…

This year, though, a record 700 students (over 80% of the room!) boldly committed to give at least a year of their lives as sent laborers. Can you imagine the ripples this generation could have?! Please lift up these students in prayer, that God would affirm and make clear their calling and use them powerfully!

  • Pray for God’s leading as Jayson pursues how to use his technical
    knowledge to help with the mission of reaching college students.
  • Our 7th teammate has moved in next door to us, she still has the final
    stretch of financial support to raise – pray that it would happen quickly!
  • We have 80 students coming over spring break to join us in ministry in the
    city… pray about all of the things that could go wrong – and right!
  • With our decision to stay in DC comes larger financial needs, we’ll begin to
    work on pursuing that soon. Pray that it would not keep us from being
    effective on campus.
  • I’m waiting to hear from American University’s chaplains’ board about
    whether or not I’ll be recognized as a chaplain there and welcomed by the
    campus itself to minister there – pray for God’s leading and favor from
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